Reveal Your Blog Crush: Dec. 15th
I've heard the rumble regarding this fabulous brainchild Sandra and I had last week. Ok, so you want to REVEAL YOUR BLOG CRUSH but you've got questions. Hey, we're here to make your reveal the least like a junior high flashback, ok? Let's proceed. . .
So, I've been asked what technically IS a Blog Crush? It'd likely include some, if not all, of the following:
A) You can't wait to read what they post next.
B) You want to be friends with them.
C) You think they are the cat's meow. Meow!
D) You might find them attractive- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, whatever floats your boat.
E) If you met them in person, blushing might occur.
If you have to really think hard about who your blog crush is, you probably don't have one.
1) You can have more than one crush (but please refrain from naming your entire blogroll in an effort to keep everyone happy).
2) You must reveal it on December 15, 2006 on your own blog.
3) Boys can crush on boys. Girls can crush on girls. Boys can crush on girls. Girls can crush on boys. This has little to do with our sexuality and more to do with being bloggeriffic.
We'd love to know if you are participating so leave Sandra or I a comment on our blogs.
Dear Ms. Sizzle, I am sure you will be happy to know that I have advertized your Blog crush Day on my new blog, which now reaches a record-breaking readership of about 0.8. Nevertheless, be assured that I will participate, and that I am looking forward to it.
Thanks for sharing the good ideas!
I'll be blog crushing on the 15th, for sure. It's such a great idea!
You already know that you are my blog crush, but I'll post it freely on the 15th. :-)
Sizzle, can you provide me an estimated count of how many people are participating?
I want to start the betting pool on Dave. My role in all of this is a self-declared "blog crush bookie." I'll put links on my site with in the next 24 hours, too. :-)
You know I'm in!
I'm guestimating participation at around 20-30 bloggers will participate from the emails/comments I have received. The majority of those participating are female.
Blog Crush Bookie! Awesome!!
;) sizz
You both know I'm totally in....
I must confer with my fellow bloggee but I'm betting we are in. :)
Dearest Ms. Sizzle,
I found your blog via Sparktacular and I am amazingly glad I did. You, as you might already suspect, are hilarious and I have linked to you and will return often. I particularly liked the "Tori Amos would be proud" post. We were the same girl in high school.
I can't get over the word Bloggeriffic!
The betting booth is open, kiddos!
Being the narcissist that I am I will have to go ahead and say that I am my own blog crush…now I’ll have to find something else to write about on the 15th…crap.
the only challenge now becomes narrowing down my crushes into a manageable number to display!
I kinda wish you had waited 'til Valentine's Day, but I can't pass the opportunity by. I will also be spreading the word about this on my blog this week. Hope that's okay.
I've already linked to this on my blog, and come Friday I will post the rules and my crushes!
I'm in. ;)
I FINALLY got the participant badge done (seven versions before I was happy, k?). Bet you thought I flaked, huh? Here's the link for all who care to use it (it's the 3rd item):
how fun! I'll play :)
I'm in... (if I can remember! LOL)
I am pimping this out on my VOX too so there may be many more people participating as well...we shall see. But I will probably post mine early early or late in the day since I will be gone the majority of the day ~ fun idea!
I'll definately be participating!
Divine Miss Sizz, I wanted to do this, but I have guests all week, and I fear it would be rude. I am, however, wicked looking forward to seeing everyone else's crushes!
Got here via Karl...I will totally be in on this one...too fun.
Funny, I've been revealing my crushes lately. So far, no one has filed for a protective order.
Always late to the party, that's me, but in recent weeks, I’ve had a fat-red-heart crush on my blog-buddy Solonor. It is completely inappropriate to say so, but there, I’ve said it.
I will be participating!
Pop Candy at USA Today, and the J-Walk Blog, I am obsessed with both.
I yam in. Here's my blog crush.
blog crushes are waaaaay overrated.
dan, you are SUCH a killjoy.
I got all indecisive and did my Top Five Blog Crushes.
Oh, the questions My Lovely Wife will ask...
i did it!
my blog crush
she saw it and said it made her day! what a cute idea. PS, I saw this on my friend's vox here:
Like Lisa said, I did it too!
Crushes are fun.
I'm a late night participant, but I participated nonetheless! What a terrific idea!
Zeus' secret crushes that are not so secret
My crush talked to me!!!!
Oh no! I missed it! Oh well, better luck next time!
Damn, sorry I missed this one (swamped at work and have been busy most nights).
I missed it, but I'm a nonconformist, so 10 days late I'm going to post my crushes anyway ;-)
Darn. Missed it. Oh wells. I've already outed myself to my crush. Too bad he lives 12 time zones away. HA!
I am head over heels crushing on
i still remember my crush, the one that i lost a long time ago.
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