As A Child. . .
(Thanks Lushy!)
Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
The majority of my growing years were in the 80's (born 1973).
Where were you born?
Santa Clara, California
What city did you grow up in?
Campbell, California
Did you enjoy your childhood?
The majority of it.
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
In kindergarten I said I wanted to be a babysitter and a cheerleader. BIG life goals! I've always wanted to be a writer.
What do you want to be now?
The woman who revolutionizes chubby girl fashion.Name the first memorable vacation you took as a kid?
I'm thinking it was Disneyland. But we also went camping a lot. I remember my parents would string bacon up to keep the bees away from our picnic table. And I got to feed a deer from my hand!
What was your first best friend or friends' name?
I know there were technically others but the one that sticks with me is Michelle.
Are they still your friend?
Not really. We used to call each other on our birthdays. Now we (finally) live in the same state but our lives are very different.
Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
St. Lucy's, Westmont High, Notre Dame High School, De Anza College, UC Santa Cruz.
Who was your first crush?
I was completely ga ga over Shawn S. He could breakdance! Plus, he looked like Rickie Schroder.
Were you closer to your Mom or Dad as a kid?
I was a daddy's girl but my mom and I have always been close.
Do you have any embarrassing school stories to share?
Um hello?! Have you READ this blog?
What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
It probably wasn't the first but I distinctly remember receiving Culture Club's Colour by Numbers cassette.
Were you scared of anything?
I was scared of death, always. Afraid of heights. And at one point, of E.T.
What was your favorite class in elementary school?
I always liked anything that had to do with English or writing or reading or spelling.
Broke any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
When trying to open the blinds to wake my sister up from her nap, I fell off a trunk and broke my collarbone. When riding on the shoulders of my babysitter, I tumbled over her head and landed on the sidewalk when she tripped. I've also burned my hand twice. And once, while blow drying my hair with a q-tip sticking out of my ear, I accidentally rammed the q-tip into my ear cavity causing intense pain and ringing for 24 hours. Note to self: do not try to do two things at once- especially ear cleaning and hair drying.
Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
I played office. Even back then I was strangely drawn the allure of office supplies. I would often pretend to be a singer. You should see my rendition of Sheena Easton's, "My Baby Takes The Morning Train."
I played office, too.
Thank GOD I am not the only one who was frightened of ET as a child!! Yoda scared me too. My parents thought I was nuts.
I don't know if it was the 1st, but I remember buying Madonna's Like a Virgin album (and I do mean album). I don't recall how old I was, but I was young enough to be totally self conscious about the title. 5th grade maybe? "Virgin" was large on both sides of the cover so there was no easy way to conceal it as I waited in line with my mom.
You were afraid of E.T.???? LOL
OMG. My first cassette was WHAM! Make It Big. Hilar.
I was at times afraid of ET, but moreso of the Hulk. I used to peek through the holes of a God-awful afghan (holla, 1978!) while watching it.
I will fight you for Ricky Schroeder. Thank God someone else actually remembers his real name.
I'm really really glad that you've had some ridiculous injuries too! (says the girl who broke her wrist when she fell off a chair trying to escape a spider)
I think you could totally be a fashion revolutionary! Viva la Sizzle!
OMG! I did the q-tip, hair dryer thing too. But it was in my adulthood (read:three years ago). I ruptured my ear drum. Oh the pain!
okay, am i the only one that wants to know if the bacon really helped keep the bees away?
Ah, Colour By Numbers. I totally had that cassette. For some reason.
"Do you deal, in black money..."
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