Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Your Money Is No Good Here

I've really must stop doing crack. It's not good for me.

I can't seem to get my e-payments in line since moving here and being forced to open a new bank account. First, I accidentally over paid about, oh, $172 to the electric company and now? Well now I seem to have set up my account to withdraw my car loan payment on the 16th AND also have the loan company withdraw the same amount on the 24th.

I am a financial planning idiot.

Thank goodness I can take my - $1.49 bank account and hold it up against all my other stellar qualities and not feel so bad about myself.

{clears throat} Ahem! {hangs head}


Anonymous said...

Oh! I did the same thing when I switched over, what a horrible feeling! Hopefully you'll have everything worked out in the finance department soon!

Mrs. Ca said...

Stuff like this happens. I'm horrible at bills too, but at least you paid them. I usually fault the other way - forgetting about bills altogether. Luckily my husband is good with that, otherwise we'd be in real trouble.

Kate G. said...

What a pain!

Bone said...

I moved a year ago, and still haven't gotten used to my new bill cycles.

I just noticed that I'm part of the Sizzle Nation!

sue said...

Oh, yeah... been there, done that. (Hanging head)

Anonymous said...

Laughing. When I first moved to San Francisco and had no job, I accidentally set up a bill pay for $750.00 instead of $75.00. That definitely...well, I didn't have much money for a month or 12.