Knock Knock
This website, in particular this card, is cracking me up. My sister got me these for my birthday. I know a few people who could vie for this trophy.
Where else can you find a banner that says "mad props"?
One fiery sassafrass lays her neurosis on the table.
This website, in particular this card, is cracking me up. My sister got me these for my birthday. I know a few people who could vie for this trophy.
Where else can you find a banner that says "mad props"?
Posted by
8:18 AM
That stuff looks like super cool fun. I like the postit notes... :)
Ok I'll admit I vie for Biggest Smart Ass.... Smoochs
Boy I'm glad I don't know anyone that is ever passive aggressive...I'd sure hate to know someone that can do that...I'd really hate if I ever did that! I'm sure glad I NEVER EVER do that!!!
Oh fun! (though I clearly don't need another place to shop!) I'm a big fan of the post-it notes, too!
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