Monday, February 28, 2005

Want My Autograph?

I opened up the Santa Cruz Sentinel this morning to find my picture smack dab on the front page. Thank goodness I didn't look like a dweeb. You can check it out at Just click on the Wallace Baine article about the Academy Awards and the picture of me with Lex van den Berghe, his wife and two other guests will show itself. Last night at the Gala I introduced my good friend Supple to Lex and he promptly gave props to her sleeve tattoo. She got him to sign the Gala poster and he wrote: "Eryn, You are one white hot fox." (Or something to that effect.) I think she may have passed out briefly from the sheer excitement of meeting her Survivor crush. Good thing her understanding boyfriend was sitting right there to catch her. ;)

My dear, dear friend JB showed up last night looking as daper as ever. On an empty stomach he consumed 6 glasses of complimentary champagne and then followed that by an Oscar Margarita and two "Finding Neverland" Coolers. Woah there JB! He and Jenny Two Times kept the party rolling post -Gala at a local joint where I hear it was "lesbian night." Both of them were in heaven, I am sure of it. As they partied into the wee hours of the evening, I was fast asleep in my bed, not even near inebriation but definitely showing my age. Man, the 30's sure have wiped out the nightowl in me.

It is absolutely perfect weather today. Too bad there was a downpour for last night's festivities. Typical Mother Nature. If I had my way, I'd be at a park having a picnic with someone I find amusing, charming and devilishly handsome. Too bad I don't have one of those! Guess I'll leash up Lou and take a walk.

Today I saw a girl taking a photo of another girl on the sidewalk near downtown. The girl getting her picture taken was striking a sassy pose and pointing to her crotch. Attached to the crotch of her jeans was a yellow Santa Cruz Mystery Spot bumper sticker. Ha ha. That's funny.

There is this saxophonist who often plays in the parking garage across from my work. The acoustics are great and the sounds of his playing carry over to my office. I love the days when he plays. I wish he could follow me around and play the soundtrack for my life. That would be kinda awesome.

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