Sunday, February 27, 2005

I Survived

I am sitting here, finally home, with a glass of wine. I didn't drink during the Gala seeing as how I was "in charge" and needed to keep my proverbial wits about me. I think the event went off well and we may have even made some money, which would be great. Better than great. I liked mixing and mingling with people. I even enjoyed my 2 minutes of fame at the microphone. But I'm a ham, so that is to be expected, right? Overall, I think people had a good time. I am glad Jamie Foxx won for "Ray" and Hillary Swank won another Oscar. There was a whole lotta boob going on at the Awards ceremony, didn't you think? Particularly in the balcony. And I guess very rosy cheeks and yellow are the new Hollywood fads. Um, no thanks, I'll pass. I will say one thing: I did not wear pink or black to the festivities tonight. Will wonders ever cease! I'll post a picture in a day or two if a decent one is found of me all glammed out. I want to thank my dear friends: Mikey, Meagan, JB, Jenny Two Times, Supple & Shocka, Amy, Hummingbird and Sami and my sweet mom for coming to the Gala. The support means a lot.

A new month starts in just another day. I am glad because February was a bitch. I am hoping March is entirely different- like no heartache or four day crying jags. Me no likey. I'd like instead some growing experiences that don't make me sad. Maybe a travel or two to some new place, more walks, some fun times with my good pals, a new lease on life basically. You hear that universe? I've put my order in. Please pay attention. ;)

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