Thursday, February 08, 2007

Use Thought Wisely, Still

Before I reveal my answers (don't cheat and scroll down!), I have an important announcement.

Today marks the two year anniversary of my very first blog post.

(Please put on your party hat.)

I've never celebrated my blog anniversary but there's something poignant about this year. I've come a long way- not just in physical distance (Santa Cruz to Seattle) but internally too. Sure, I am not where I want to be but I'm learning to face life's challenges with more panache. The best part of blogging, for me, is not just the catharsis of sharing my feelings and experiences but sharing it with all of you. I don't know where in the hell you all came from and most of you I have never met face to face but every damn day I am SO grateful for you. Thanks for coming here. For listening. For sharing your thoughts. For being my friend.

(End Sentimentality.)

Now here's what you've all been waiting for- the answers to my true/false stories. . .

1.) TRUE. She really did have fake teeth and she really did scramble to put them in. Do you think I got this crazy all on my own?
Votes: 6

2.) TRUE. And, uh, while bathing the dog, he suddenly jumped at her in her nakedness. When his paw hit her breast she thought, quite possibly, that he had ripped off her unclothed nipple because it sure as shit felt like it. Her unclothed nipple! Did your nipple just feel sympathy pain? Uh huh. Mine too. Votes: 10

3.) TRUE. And here I thought that 179 responses in one hour was impressive. Pshaw! Apparently not. But yeah, I did it. I was that bored. Those lonely, horny men? They also aren't so smart- they send cell phone numbers and pictures of their, uh, members without knowing who in the hell you are. Hmm, that'd make an interesting post... (P.S. Does this mean I have a "rep" now? Sweet!) Votes: 7

4.) TRUE. The Flatulence Offender is the same lady as the Teeth Lady in #1. Yeah, I have no problem talking to her without running to my cubicle to laugh. Or to throw up. Votes: 1

5.) FALSE. It wasn't me who came upon them, it was my neighbor though my memory has recreated the scene so vividly that I feel like I was there. And they weren't having intercourse, rather she was blowing him. I still firmly believe that safer sex is really important. That's why I carry condoms with me all the time. Ahem.
Votes: 0


little miss mel said...

Wow, 2 years blogging, impressive! Enjoying your journey. Thanks for keeping it real.

Bone said...

No one guessed #5, did they?!?!

Happy Two-Year Bloggiversary, Ms. Sizzle!

Anonymous said...

Well that explains why she didn't say anything when your neighbor saw them.
The same lady - no way. Too much. I might have to pinch myself everytime I saw her to keep from laughing in her face.

Happy Blog Anniversary! Great pic.

Rachel said...

Can we have a Flatulent Denture Lady Festival?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad #5 happened to somebody--it was too funny not to be true.

Happy bloggiversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy BlogBirthday! I don't know what I'd do without your posts everyday!

sue said...

Yikes! Who knew you lived such an exciting life...? :) Happy Blogversary, Siz... and to MANY MANY more years of bloggin' friendship! Who knows? Maybe we'll even meet IRL someday...???

LVGurl said...

How funny, nobody guessed the false answer!

Lisa said...

Happy Blogiversary girl! Got my party hat on for you!!

Anonymous said...

Two years ... congrats!

It's not easy baring your soul for the world to see ... and at times judge.

But it IS very cathartic, isn't it?

I've only been blogging for a few months. But one of the people whose blog I read before I ever decided to do my own? You.

I love your honesty, your sense of humor, and the fact that even though I am probably old enough to be your older sister (hehehe), we do have a lot in common. Not necessarily in life adventures, but definitely in other ways (how we like/love/dislike ourselves).

So, I applaud you. Bravo!

JustRun said...

First things first, Happy Anniversary to the Sizzle blog. I was just thinking the other day, I can no longer remember who came along when and how I found everyone's blog and how they might have found mine, but isn't that SO cool?! I'm glad I found yours!

Second things second, interesting! I don't remember where my vote went, I just remember that I wanted them all to be true. :)

LVGurl said...

And of course, Happy Blogging Anniversary!

I really need to think through my comments more carefully so I stop leaving 2 or 3 at a time. Sorry.

egan said...

Damn, why did I change my answer? You're too good at this fibbing stuff Sizzle.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!

Lefty said...

Your life is way too interesting. Only boring stuff happens to me.

Congrats on the anniversary.

Melissa said...

Happy Bloggiversary!

I had to cross my arms at the whole nipple removal thing. Owie.

TC said...

Happy Bloggiversary!

I liked the sappy and sentimental part of the post as much as the rest... probably because I think the same thing about most of my readers. ;)

Btw, your answers were TOO funny!

Anonymous said...

happy bloggiversary!

here's to many more anniversaries!

kapgar said...

Woo hoo!!! Happy two years!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!! I will make myself a comical paper party hat in your honor. :)
That is really funny that no one guessed the untruth--you are a good deceiver! ;)

Becky said...

Happy Blogoversary! Nice that you keep your condoms around, esp. when you're getting lei'd;)

Claire said...

Happy blogiversary, Sizz! I very much enjoy your blog and look forward to what's to come.

LSL said...

Yay, you're two! Happy blogiversary :)

nicalyse said...

Yay for two years! Here's to many more, blogging or not.

meghansdiscontent said...

Happy Anniversary, Ms. Sizzle!

I'm so disappointed that I missed all the guessing fun yesterday, though. :( I'm going to have to do better and stay on top of things!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! And thanks for the giggles. Great stories!

g-man said...

Wow, two years! Congrats :) Looking forward to many more. :)

That's not the one I would have guessed. :) Nice job.

Karl said...

Happy 2-year anniversary! Great stories, ha, I guessed wrong. Can't believe you posted your breasts on Craigslist, you hoor. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 2 years of blogging. Today, Feb. 9th is my anniversary of the first day I became a woman (aka got my period ~ 29 years ago today).