Monday, January 22, 2007

"I want to know what you're thinking...

There are some things you can't hide/I want to know what you're feeling/Tell me what's on your mind. . ."

Some new questions have come in. Like I said, you ask and I will answer honestly.

Neil inquires: If you were stuck on a desert island, would you rather have a Bible written in German, a laptop that only had Excel installed, or just one slice of pizza from the best pizzeria in Brooklyn?

This is going to tell A LOT about me but I promised honesty. I would definitely go for the pizza. I hate Excel and don't speak German. Besides, it's PIZZA. Hello!? The memory of its deliciousness can drive me insane for months to come. And we all know how I love to torture myself.

Neil also asks: Have you ever been tempted to call up an old boyfriend to see if the sparks are still there?

Neil, Neil, Neil- do you know me that little? Come on my friend. Let's be real. You and I (and the blogosphere) know that I HAVE done that and will likely do it again in the future.

Baja Babe wants to know: What kind of man do you WANT to date?

Funny you should ask because I have quite the list posted in my house to remind me! I wouldn't mind keeping the humor, sarcasm, self-deprecation, artistic talents and even a smidge of depression or melancholy or mild moodiness but the emotionally stunted communicators and passive aggressives can learn to love from some other lady. I'm done teaching! I'm looking for a fella who is thoughtful, generous for the sake of being generous, has integrity, manners, passion and character, who at the very least knows his issues and can discuss them without hiding or blaming or being a general dicktard, a man who can be there for me as my biggest fan, strongest ally and inspiration. Is that too much to ask?

Karl inquires: What fun and exciting things will we do when I'm in Seattle?

Do we actually have to leave the apartment? Heh. No, no. In all seriousness, there are scads of cool things to do here. We have so much to offer the out of town visitor and I'm not just referring to the Space Needle. I bet you're going to want to visit the SciFi Museum since you are such an adorable geek. There are ferry rides, Pike Place Market, all the cool parks and lakes and places to see. . .Are you sure a week is long enough?

Gorillabuns delves deep and makes me think by asking: Even if we have everything we thought we ever wanted... do you think people as a whole, are happy with the cards that are dealt to them? a.k.a. the silver lining?

I guess that questions supposes that I believe cards are dealt to people. Do we make our lives or do our lives make us? Interesting question. I think that perspective plays a large part in whether a person is happy or not. I believe the grass always seems greener on the other side but it's actually just the vantage point that makes it appear so. It's really the same lawn! So the best we can do is to live our best lives from moment to moment and try to be as authentic in our pursuit of happiness as we can without settling for status quo. We all deserve to live our dream. (Does that even answer your question?)


Anonymous said...

Oh, let's just be BFF already. I would SO choose pizza, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad you have a list of characteristics for your ideal man!

Esmerelda said...

oh I'd have to have the excel to keep my brain alive until I filled up the hard drive. The pizza would either be gone quickly or spoil.

Love the man list and every girl should have one! I'd add some measure of machismo, even though that comes with it's own, new bag of crap.

g-man said...

Have fun with Karl. Looking forward to reading all about it. Take lots of pictures!

Melissa said...

Sizzle and Karl sitting in a tree... (ahem.)

Excellent list. Seriously, who would pick the bible in german? And as long as you do your Ex-dialing when you aren't drunk you'll be mostly safe.

Anonymous said...

Cut to Karl...never leaving. Weird that I picked the Excel thing in my head, by the way? I was thinking I could write within it. Nerd. I'm a nerd.

Mr. Rodacre said...

I like this question and answer thing you have going on, Cupcake! I think you should make this a weekly feature of the blog.

I pretty much know your answers to all of the questions so far but it is fun to see if I am right or not. And... well... I am!

Plus, you have a flair for writing my dear...

Mrs. Ca said...

I would have picked the pizza too, even though I do love me some graphs and charts!*drools Homer Simpson style*

Anonymous said...

Oh man, never in a million years would it be Excel. That would only drive me to seek creative ways to kill myself!!

Becky said...

Yeah, no question on the pizza answer. I had to laugh at the choices, though. Perhaps the bigger debate would be what kind of pizza?

For what it's worth, I thought the Sci-Fi Museum was a little pricey for what you get to see -- a bunch of replicas and book covers. There are some things, but I was kind of disappointed (I think even my sci-fi fan friend thought it was just okay).

LSL said...

Love the authenticity, and love the potential-date list. I'm not teaching anymore, either!

And I guess I should say that the fact that I would choose Excel clearly indicates at least two more years of therapy.

Bun Bun said...

How do you mend a broken heart?

Karl said...

Hmm, sounds like a combination of Space Needle, Sci Fi Museum, and not leaving the house.

egan said...

Your representing Seattle well. How much does it cost to go up the Space Needle these days? I've been up once and it cost seven bones.

Sizzle said...

i think it is around 20 buckaroos now.

Gary LaPointe said...

SciFi Museum?!? How did I not know there was a SciFi Museum there? (Is it new?)
