Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm Delicate

It was around 10pm last night that I started to think about food. It wasn't that I was hungry. It was more about the fact that I wasn't allowed to have anything but water past 9pm. I thought about popcorn. Then about cocoa. Then about the yummy banana muffins I had made the day before. Being denied something sure can make it all the more tempting. I kept drinking water because it is all I am allowed. I have convinced myself it tastes like soap. All of this for the blood draw today for this health study my office is participating in. I have some trepedations about giving blood.

High school was the first and only time that I gave blood. I was trying to do the good samaritan kind of thing and it, uh, kinda backfired on me. I remember lying on the bed with my sleeve rolled up. Some of my fellow students were "helpers" and stood around chatting me up to keep my mind off the fact that blood was leaving my body and filling a plastic bag. (It didn't work.) After a minute or so, I tried to tell them I felt funny as they chatted on about the day's assembly and how Mona wears her skirt too short (she did, it's true) but they were oblivious (and really sucky at their job). Next thing I know, I'm being slapped awake by the scariest teacher in the entire school. She couldn't really help being scary. It was sad that her face was slack on one side from a stroke. (Or was it from a car accident? There was a rumor she lost her fiance in a horrible car accident that disfigured her. Doesn't that sound like a rumor? It can't be true.) Her scary face so close to mine was frightening enough to jolt me upright. They gave me a cookie and some juice and told me to visit the nurse. I think I ended up going home for the day. Turns out both my parents aren't able to give blood for similar reasons. I guess it isn't in our blood. (Heh.)

I've been promised that today's blood draw won't have the same effect and that they are only taking a little bit. All I know is, I damn well better get a cookie. I'm skipping breakfast afterall!

Update at 4:30pm: No fainting. No cookie. No fair!


nicalyse said...

I passed out the first time I gave blood was an atempt to conquer my fear of needles. An attempt that failed miserably. I'm still terrified.

TC said...

I, too, donated blood in high school and never will again. NEVER.

Being denied something sure can make it all the more tempting. Soooooooooo true! Why do you think people cheat on diets? Kids drink alcohol?

sue said...

I always have a terrible time when I have to "stop eating after 6 pm" for whatever reason. Ugh. You'd BETTER get a cookie!

Anonymous said...

Ooooo - I can't give blood, but not for fainting reasons, more that they can never find my vein and I end up in tears before they even find it!

Anonymous said...

Eat red meat tonight too -- get your iron!

Bone said...

I remember at our high school blood drive, I was all set to give, and some girl fainted before it was my turn, so they shut down the drive.

I've never had a problem donating blood. But once when I was sick and they were taking a couple of vials at the doctor's office, I nearly fainted. Very manly, huh?

But I didn't I fought it. It's also the only acceptable time I can think of for a man to have both my legs up on his shoulders.

Melissa said...

I always feel guilty about not giving blood. But not so guilty that I actually go and do it. Was it a choco chip cookie?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh!!! No, no no! Get that picture out of here! (squeem)
I was doing much better with needles until my great fiasco trying to give blood this summer. I pretty much passed out 30 seconds into the draw.
Luckily as long as I'm seated and the nurse is good, I can still handle medical draws. Hope it goes well for you, sweetie! (treat yourself to a juicy burger tonight, or a big bowl of spinach if that's your preference)

hotpinksox said...

I had to have my monthly blood draw this morning and had a vein roll. If you have ever had this happen then you know how it hurts. Four people asked me if I was feeling ok after I left the lab. I must have looked pale. I wish I could give blood but I can't because my blood is bad, too little iron.

I think you should have 2 cookies just to be sure your blood sugar is ok. :)

g-man said...

I am a regular donor at the Red Cross. I have been so good that they asked me to do a "Double red" Using an apheresis machine they draw out a pint, spin it to separate the red cells from the plasma, then pump the plasma and some saline back in. The the process starts again. It is a little freaky. I really go for the OJ and chocolate chip cookies, a combo that can only be found after giving blood. Sounds gross but tastes really good.
I'm guessing drawing out a test tube will not cause the same reaction you experienced before.

egan said...

Good for you for giving blood. I'm so scared of needles I had to scroll the photo accompanying this post out of the picture.

Becky said...

I last donated blood about five years ago at work and it hurt so bad that I haven't been able to do it again. I don't know if I just had a bad vein that day or what (b/c previous times were okay). I hope you made it through okay;)

Anonymous said...

I hope it all went okay! Update us!

P.S. I have been feeling bad and therefore not up on the email. I promise to get back to it though. :)

Anonymous said...

now i know why i had an increadable NEED for popcorn last night

i am not allowed to give blood - i pass out every time i give

even for blood testing... i tell them i have to lie on the table, not use the chair... and they look at my size and say i'll be fine.... i say ok, but be ready to catch me & sure enough i hit the floor E V E R Y T I M E!!!!

LVGurl said...

No cookies? I thought it was a law that the donation station have lollpops and orange juice on hand. AT ALL TIMES!

Bill said...

Oh my ... I am the king of passing out. On one occasion, I passed out at the communion rail as the priest tried to place a wafer in my mouth. Another time, I passed out watching a Richard Pryor movie. My friend turned to me and saw my eyes were rolled up in my head. The passing out later evolved into seizures. So ... I've never given blood, as you might imagine. On the other hand, I've never had a problem getting needles stuck in me. Go figure.

Lisa said...

No no! Not the needle... {thunk}

Ok, I think I'm alright now. [shiver]

Did you get a cookie, or what? What kind? LOL

sue said...

NO COOKIE?!?!?! No fair.