Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Get Lifted

My male readers will likely not understand the importance of today's subject matter but I'm betting they won't mind since there is, after all, a picture of a woman in her bra to distract them.

I am here to say to the blogosphere that the right fitting bra WILL indeed change your life. I always thought I knew what wearing a great fitting bra felt like until I met this one. It's sort of like how married people always say, "I just knew" when they are talking about their husband/wife. I never understood that sentiment and to tell the truth, resented whomever uttered such sappy romanticism to me. . . until now. Sure, I thought it'd be a man who changed my mind but I'm betting my relationship with my new bra will last longer knowing my history with guys.

Scene: Sizzle arrives at work. Co-worker stops by her cubicle to say hello.

Co-worker (cheerfully): "Good morning! How are you?"

Sizzle (giddy): "I'm great! I am in love with my new bra."

Co-worker (eyeing Sizzle's ample rack): "My oh my, I can see why. The girls, they are so perky."

Sizzle (not thinking it at all weird that her co-worker is staring intently at her breasts, tries to refrain from whipping off her shirt to show the world her new love): "It's sooo comfortable. I think I might live in it. And buy one in every color."

Co-worker (decidedly): "That's it, I'm getting one for myself. I want to feel the love!"

Ladies, if you are walking around in the world in a bra that doesn't make you 100% happy, you need to break up with that bra and go shopping for a new one. If you have not been measured for a bra, do it! You'll be surprised. Too many women are walking around in ill fitting bras. Some of you are sagging. Some of you are constantly yanking down the back. Some of you are distractedly pushing the straps back up. Some of you, well, your cup runneth over. Trust me on this. Your clothes will fit better. You will stand taller. You will think you dropped 10 lbs. You too can fall in love with your bosom. Go on, get lifted!


sue said...

Oh, sure... then you don't tell us what kind it is! :) You tease...

Anonymous said...

I agree! Brand and style, please?

Sizzle said...

Keep in mind that I am a)a chubbette and b) of ample rackage so this bra might not be the best for everyone. The one I am in love with is: Cacique Microfiber Balconette Bra.

emily said...

Have you been watching Oprah again??

TC said...

Cacique? Really? I tried them because I'd heard the same thing, and haven't been happy. And my favorite bra in the world is dying and I'm a sad, sad woman because of it.

Becky said...

vSame with the comments above -- brand? I felt the same way when I tried Victoria Secret's demi bras, but I think the trick for me is to ensure that I get new ones every few years so that they don't wear down.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, I soooo need to get a fitting. I think I will add it to my 43 Things list! For less than perky days, I am a big fan of the Angels Uplift from Victoria's Secret, but for day to day wear I have a variety of stretched and variably fitting bras from Outlet Malls and Filene's basement. No good!
(men really do NOT get how much we go through to be beautfiul do they?)

Bone said...

I have no idea how to respond to this post other than laughter :)

However, I'll keep this in mind should the time ever come, heaven forbid, that I have to wear a mansierre.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more- GET MEASURED! One of the smartest things I've ever done. Yay, breast lift!

g-man said...

Thanks for the photo.

My wife would agree, she just got two new ones, they do flatter her nicely!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm getting measured! Will it make them look bigger?

Melissa said...

I LOVE Cacique! I haven't tried the microfiber ones yet, but you can bet your booty I'll be doing it this weekend. I love love love pretty lingerie.

egan said...

Substitute the word bra with "Speedo" and you have my story.

I've heard about the importance of good support from my wife. And we're not talking about support in the sense of money or children.

Bill said...

I would comment but what could I possibly say?

(btw ... No one seriously enjoys speedos. Well, unless they have a bondage thing since it's not unlike wrapping your crotch in duct tape.)

nicalyse said...

I was going to say something, but I forget after being distracted by the mental image of a crotch wrapped in duct tape...

Sizzle said...

yeah, the image does erase all other thoughts from one's head doesn't it? and then i think, what happens when he has to pee? man alive that must hurt!

LSL said...

Gosh, has anyone tried Barely There? I'm in love! Style 4284. It feels like it's barely there! And ditto on the feels like you lost ten pounds, walk taller, etc.

Anonymous said...

I've been in desperate need of new bras, as my 2 favorites have been close to death for a while. I'm a curvy Cacique-wearing girl myself, and thanks to your gleeful post, I went to LB today and scored my very own pink and taupe Balconette bras.

The woman at the fitting rooms was so excited when I said I'd take them, she whipped up her top to show me that she wears -- and apparently LOVES -- the Balconette as well. (Good god!)

Haven't taken them for an official test drive yet, but I have a feeling I'm in for a good time. Who knows who I'll be prompted to flash! ;)

Thanks, Sizzle.

Esmerelda said...

Never tried cacique, but I will now. I actually remember the day I discovered underwire bras and Victoria's Secret. I was never more proud of my bosoms!

I'd rather not eat lunch for a week to save up enough for one that puts the twins in their place. To be professionally re-assured that you're still a 36D feels so good after a long day and two children!!

If you're not spending at least $50 on a bra that is professionally fitted you're wasting your money!

Claire said...

I hate shopping for bras with a passion, but it doesn't sound so bad when you write about it. I'll have to psych myself up for a fitting one of these days...

egan said...

Not that kind of Speedo™ folks. The type that's more like bike shorts and a lot less like a g-string.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I have about 4 of them and worship every inch of them! I'm also a huge big fan of the plunge bras (though sometimes they come with little ... "lifters" that I remove because I'm ample enough on my own!)

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! I just had this same experience! I got fitted a couple of weeks ago and just found out that I've been wearing the wrong size...I got to move on up! Woot, woot!

I can actually raise my arms and not have to pull my bra back down. My straps stay up. It's amazing!

Anonymous said...

Take your own advice and buy a dozen! The bra I love has been discontinued...It was a sad day in Mudville when I found that out!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, a great fitting bra makes all the difference. Once at a fitting I was told that if you lift them, your waist looks smaller.

I'm in love with Body by Victoria. The secret is what the boobs look like out of the bra. Which is kinda scary. I wish I had my 18 year old boobs.

Mrs. Ca said...

Great advice - I totally agree. I have found two bras that fit so wonderfully that I do wear them every day. My husband is disappointed because they're not "pretty", but they make me look prettier as a whole, I think, so his vote gets vetoed. The only issue I have is with the straps. They stretched out pretty quick.

Lisa said...

Oh yes! I was lifted a few months ago when I finally broke down and spent an enormously ridiculous amount of money at VS. But it was definitely worth it. I am in love!!

hotpinksox said...

Oh lord, I have found the light! I too love my bra. Did you tell your co-worker who has the dressing issues? She might benefit from a bra love affair.

Anonymous said...

yes, the boulder holders do cost quite a fortune compared to the pebble holders at victoria's secret.

the only thing i ever ask in lieu of presents for holidays are gift certificates to be able to afford nice unmentionables such as these.

a good bra DOES make you feel more confident...and yes, more perky!