Tuesday, November 28, 2006

So It Snowed In Seattle. . .

"Snow is like a penis- if there isn't 6 inches there's no point."
-My (very, very smart) Friend Rachel


Mr. Rodacre said...

...and so I carry on my pointless existence... *sigh*

...well at least there was snow!

Lushy said...

Ample cockage is good.

Anonymous said...


NICE!!! I'm quoting you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

VERY good!

nicalyse said...

I sincerely agree.

matilda said...

Move to South Dakota, you'll feel like you've fallen into dildo heaven.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally using that this season.

Mrs. Ca said...

I totally using that too. It'll shock the hell right out of my husband when I say it, which makes it even more worth it.

Margaret said...

In Alabama, the whole state can hut down for 2!

Becky said...

Hahaha! I guess we're in the land of "I'll just take what I can get because it's better than nothing at all?"