Upswings for Mood Swings
I got mail.
In this small box were four pieces of deliciousness thanks to my Aunt Peg. Every year she mails out boxes of her delicacy: Blarney Stones. They even come with St. Patrick's Day napkins! These yummies taste like a
Another highlight of yesterday: I got my hair cut. (see picture) This is a very good thing as I was likely to kill someone due to gray hair frustration.
Ok, my frustration was more deeply rooted (ooh, that is actually a really bad pun). Arriving at work yesterday, I was automatically irritated. This is not a good sign. Especially since a few minutes before I had been at home dancing around to Wham! and singing* at the top of my lungs. Quite a mood shift. I think the piles and piles of files littering my cubicle floor isn't helping my sanity. I am trying to organize my them but I keep getting interrupted or distracted. And honestly, I really loathe filing. I used to have a job as an Administrative Coordinator (glorified secretary) and filing was my responsibility. I think in the year I was there, I maybe filed once. My boss would ask me for a grant file and I would dig through the piles on top of the file cabinet. It's a wonder I wasn't written up for that.
Is it the weekend yet?
*I am now convinced that Wham!'s song Edge of Heaven is about S & M. Is it just me or is that what they are talking about?
Cute Hair!! I wish I was brave enough to try something new : )
OMG - your hair is adorable!
You are sooo cute! :) There is nothing to make you feel better than a new perfect hair cut!
"Edge of Heaven," eh? Not familiar with that one. Will have to find it and get back to you.
Doesn't Aunt Peg want to send a sweet pregnant Irish lass some of those yummy treats?
Oh damn, I guess she already sent some to your sister...
How about the recipe? ;)
how could I forget...LOVE THE HAIR!
Love the title Admin.Coordinator....I have a fancy title too "Adjuster" which is a bill collector. Ha ha ha.
oh my lord. i don't know about the wham song, but dang girl your hair is HOT. ;) i haven't seen a pic of you before - you pretty lady.
yeah, yeah. i know there's a flickr and all, but i'm fairly new here. ;)
Nice hair. BTW How many WW points are the Blarney Stones. Just trying to sopport you love.
Ah! I love your haircut! I'm never quite brave enough to do anything drastic, I'm afraid my head will look funny...
Blarney stones sound faaaabulous :)
blarney stones are 1 billion weight watcher points mikey. i am totally screwed! ;) hey, every bite was worth it. washing it down with some red wine probably was against WW protocol too...
You look FAB! I love the new doo!
I'm diggin' the haircut! As for the song, George Michael would NEVER sing about something sexual...
Love the hair, want a Blarney Stone. Jealous. (just kidding, you deserve both) :)
oh NO.
If you got yours already, what if that means Peggy doesn't have my current home address?????
Calling immediately. I have had them delievered to me every St. Patrick's day for the last ten years- even when I was shooting on location in Vancouver!
Suddenly dreading a blarney o'a panic attack.
She has my address...
and I like your new hair :-)
Three things:
1. The haircut looks awesome. Love it!
2. It's almost the weekend. Almost
3. Do you have the recipe for said Blarney Stones? If yes, would you like to share it? Because it sounds like perfect PMS food, which is what I need right now.
I have the best image in my head of you dancing around with your new do and singing Wham songs as you get ready for work...Its like a Drew Barrymore movie opening (And I LOVE Drew!!!!!)
Yea for mail, and I dig the 'do. Looks great.
As for filing, you sound like my old boss. Her inbox was always about a foot and half tall. Her 'system' was archaeological: new stuff on top getting progressively older towards the bottom.
You know... I think you're right on about the Wham! song (remember when they were "Wham!U.K."?)
And yes, I agree, you're hair is totally cute... =)
The hair looks totally cute. Very sexy!
I absolutely thing that "Edge of Heaven" is about S&M. I've been convinced of that for some time now. :) And I do actually remember when they were Wham!UK. Geez, I'm old. :)
Getting mail rocks!
*singing and dancing with wild 80's step feet* Wake me up, before you go go....
I like the hair cut. ;)
Keee-yute 'do, Sizzle! And we're twins today -- I have my purple cardigan on too!
Love the new hair.
You'd better change your name to Ms. Sassy with that hair! Looks great on you!
i am TOTALLY going to have to go listen to that song over and over now...oh, and of course, luv the hair.
- jules
the haircut is so cute and sassafras!
my husband will be out of town on friday. if anyone knows me, they know it's my most favorite holiday. ever!!! i think aunt peggy needs to send this irish chick some st. patrick cheer my way too!
I dunno... the new hair IS sweet on you, but I'd have to say it's your winning smile that melts men's hearts.
Super cute hair cut.
And, um...maybe I missed it do you know the words to that song??! Goodness. What are talking, '85? Yikes.
(and, unseen...probably!)
Nice hair! But it reminds me that I desperately need a hairccut and I've been too busy, lazy etc. to do it. Must get haircut! Must get haircut!
(It's the length that is the problem; not the gray. When it gets this long I start playing with it.)
You are just SOOO kitten with a whip in that do!!! I had to do a little catching up with the posts (my bad) and omg you're as adorable as ever.
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